Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Use Article Submission Directories To Market Your Website

The Internet is full of advertising opportunities and what is great about many of these advertising opportunities is that they are free. That's right. You don't have to pay anything. You do, however, have to put in some effort to ensure that it is done. You can't exactly market your business without doing anything unless you hire someone else to do it for you. Nevertheless, it is sometimes easier to pay with your time than your money. Then again, you may choose to pay with your money instead of your time in order to get a job done right.

Whichever way you choose to do it, article submission directories are a great way to market your business. The correct name for this is "article marketing." It is something that has picked up at phenomenal speed in recent years because people want to know things. People seek out articles for information and, when they find it, they will click on the website link at the bottom of that article to learn even more. This means that the article has to be interesting enough or contain enough valuable information to make them want to click the link at the bottom.

Making the article interesting

Speaking of making the article interesting, how is it you do that? How does a person make an informational article interesting? You may think it is a bit difficult, but, really, what you need to do is throw in enough information that says, "Hey, this is the article to read. If you don't read me, then you"re not going to learn the ropes of this stuff." You want your article to be "the one" to read for information.

So first, start out with an idea. Come up with an angle that excites you. If the angle doesn't excite you, then you're not going to be able to convey any type of excitement through your writing. You're going to find an end product that is monotone and bland. Monotone and bland will literally make you think "yuck, what was I thinking?" Well, probably not much.

As you write the article, you can throw in bullet points and subtitles to make it easier to read. People love subtitles and bullet points because ideas are divided up in an easy-to-understand way. You don't want someone to be reading and then keep losing their place in the article because they don't have a point of reference. At the same time, be interesting. Think about what you would like to read. If you won't read it, they won't read it.

Writing the article yourself vs. someone else doing it

Here is a good question that businesses ask themselves when looking to embark on article marketing: "Do I write the articles myself or do I have someone else do it?" This is a good question because not everyone has a propensity for writing or they may not have the time. It is usually a time issue, so they may hire someone to write the articles for them. Hiring a writer to take care of it can be cost-effective because it is the difference between having the article written for submission and not having it written for submission. Obviously, it is better to have the article written and submitted.

As for other options, you can choose to have it written for you and just submit it yourself or you can choose to have the writer submit it for you too. It is up to you, but it is important to do what you can to get the job done when marketing through an article submission directory.

Is this type of marketing necessary?

Really, in a world in which the Internet is the way in which business is done, it is important to take advantage of all marketing methods that have been made available to you. Article marketing is huge and this is because it is successful.

One reason why article marketing is so effective is because people need information. When they search for something through search engines such as Google, these articles are peppered throughout the results. When someone finds your article, they will click on it for the information that they need and they will most likely read it in its entirety. When they reach the bottom, they will find your link for them to click on.

How the process works

When you have a written article that you want to submit, you have to make sure the article is within the guidelines of the article submission directory. If the article is outside of the guidelines, it won't be posted.

Really, all you need to do is simply figure out which category your article fits in and make sure that particular article submission directory accepts articles for that category. If you haven't already registered for an account, go ahead and do so. After that, go to the button that allows you to post an article. Make sure you fill in all of the fields and choose the correct category. Once you have done that, you can paste the article and the title into the provided box.

Now one of the most important parts of the article submission is the resource box. Most article submission directories will not allow any direct promotion within the article, but they will allow you to post a short bio and a link at the bottom in the resource box. This is where your reader is going to be linked to your website. This is why you need to make the article interesting or your reader is going to leave halfway through your article. They will never make it to the end, which means your time and/or money was wasted and their time was wasted. You definitely don't want to waste their time or they will never follow a pathway to your website. However, many will and this is why you want to use this type of marketing. These people will follow your site and they will suddenly become customers, which mean even more success for you.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleStreet.com/

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