Monday, December 15, 2008

Find an Email Address Using Yahoo

Long before the world switched its online search preferences to Google, Yahoo was the king of the Internet. No other online company has had more of a roller coaster ride than Yahoo has, going from the biggest online company in the world to almost being out of business and then back to being a giant once again. Yahoo search is still used by millions of people, but it isn't the site you should use if you want to perform an email trace.

All search engines, including Yahoo, Google, Alta Vista and more, use the same essential technology to give you and everyone else that uses their site the information that they are searching for. These sites rely on tiny programs known as spiders or crawlers that scour every single website in the world. These tiny programs essentially take a picture of the website and record all available text so that when you search for a phrase, those programs can link you to the webpage you want to find.

As useful as that technology is, it can only go so far. There are now better search options available for those looking to trace an email address. These new sites not only make use of the same technology Yahoo and Google use, but they also scan available public records information as well as existing online directories to give you a much more comprehensive result than you would get using Yahoo alone.

When you need to perform an email search and you don't have time to waste, look to sites like these. You can perform an email trace in mere seconds. That way, you can put an end to annoying, unwanted and even offensive emails by contacting the owner of those addresses directly and bypassing the middle men. The next time you need an email trace, look to the email tracing experts.

Lindsay has been writing about web applications for 4 years and is tracking the latest trends in web development. You can check out her latest project at

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